
Below are the individual movements of the OMR. One breath equals one breath in and one breath out. Please see other sources for detailed descriptions of the yoga poses, such as this PDF (pose instructions start on page 24).

1. Reclined Twist Allows spinal fluid to lubricate your spine. > Hold for 10 breaths on each side. If necessary, clear a bit of space on each side of the bed (might need to move your partner).
2. Bridge Strengthens back, hips, and core. > 20 reps and then hold for 10 breaths. If you're going to do one exercise each day, this is it. Start with 5 reps and work your way up to 20 reps.
3. Child Pose + Wiggle Releases tension in spine, back, and hips. > Hold pose for a few seconds and then wiggle your behind for a few seconds. The wiggle loosens up the spine (motion = lotion).
4. Cat-Cow Mobilizes spine. > Do two cycles of cat-cow, holding each pose for 5 breaths. Also consider doing the cat pose after a long period of sitting.
5. Sphinx Strengthens back and stretches abs. > Hold for 10 breaths. I slightly raise my legs to really target the back. I read in this pose whenever I can (but with feet down).
6. Full Locust Strengthens core. > Hold for 10 breaths. This is the most challening pose, so introduce it only after the Sphinx has become easy.